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Is your strategy lacking context?

Profile picture of Author Carlo Mahfouz
Carlo Mahfouz | Jan 14, 2024

When context is missing, even the best strategies fall short in telling a convincing story. (Share on Twitter)

Like drawing three dots on a blank sheet, lost, they look with no home to cradle them and with no story to tell. Anchor them in some frame, and the story changes.

Add two-axis below them; for example, we can start to visualize a growth trajectory or, in retrospect, a gloomy outcome looming. Switch it up and place two dots in a bigger circle and another in a smaller one; automatically, a clustering of sorts starts forming.

Each frame we add enriches the story and makes it more accessible. That is context. It allows us to connect the dots and build an understood strategy.

And what we understand, we are more likely to subscribe to and be able to navigate.

Is your strategy lacking context?

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A Poem: In your head there is an editor that doesn’t shut up by Carlo Mahfouz

It was given a blanket check
To edit incessantly and freely without giving a heck
Its instructions are wildly inaccurate
Yet we blindly follow like a drunken mate

Into the endless rabbit holes it takes us
Craving a better version of thee with no fuss
Yet an editor is all it is
In the frenzy and need to edit that’s its bliss

Merely a crave or a drive in shambles it derives
A story that is almost true but really mostly contrived
Editing and editing away in fury and rage it persists
Yet in silence it can’t fathom to exist

So, in the cage of endless ranting
It continues to bring you down or up as if it’s nothing
In your head, there is an editor that doesn’t shut up
And its contract is up to expire yet what a scary reality that is if it ever did

Read the full poem

& one resource: The curse of the scrolletariat by Louis Elton

When we start looking one level beyond what’s obvious: “But what if our obsession with “screen time” is itself a smokescreen? What if, rather than saving us, this vanishing act obscures the deeper drivers of our digital dissatisfaction? After all, the real rot at the core of modern computing is not screens, but the Scylla and Charybdis of digital life: the unceasing acceleration of culture and human anxieties about our finitude.…These technologies accelerate the transportation of matter and ideas, scrambling our experience of time and place. In Open Sky, his 1997 polemic on technology, he mourns: “How can we live if there is no more here and everything is now?””

Give it a read here

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